Enjoy the Progress!

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The best way I can explain this quote.. 🤔

It’s like what happens when you get to an end of a series or a book.. you’re happy you finished but you realise it’s better when your watching the story unfold.

Same goes for training and fitness, it’s the progress you make as you achieve the milestones/checkpoints.

Personally for myself it’s during the progress that you learn how to execute new exercises, learn about nutrition, and experience what your body is capable of.

I’ll always ask what your goals are, but what I really look forward too is what I can teach my clients or learn for myself during the time between now and when you achieve those goals.

Enjoy the Progress!

Because I sure will be. 😉

#train #workout #progress #learn #strive #knowledgeispower #muscle #work #motivation #perfection #human #fun #exciting


In order to get what you want, you must be willing to put I. The work!


Tips for Beginners.